Manual de instrucciones HP PHOTOSMART D110A GUÍA DE REFERENCIA

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Mode d'emploi HP PHOTOSMART D110A

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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso HP PHOTOSMART D110AGUÍA DE REFERENCIA

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] HP Photosmart D1 series 10 Inicie la instalación aquí. . . 1 Verifique el contenido de la caja Contiene. . . Solución de problemas de instalación Conozca su HP Photosmart Características y consejos para impresión, copia y escaneo Novedades: Servicios web Instalación y uso de una impresora en red 2 3 4 5 6 * No se incluye con todos los modelos 2 Desembale la impresora. Quite toda la cinta, películas protectoras y material de embalaje. 3 Conectar y encender Conecte el cable de alimentación y el adaptador. Presione para encender la HP Photosmart. ¡Importante!No conecte el cable USB hasta que el software se lo indique!4 Siga el Asistente de instalación WPS (configuración WiFi protegida) Esta impresora HP Photosmart admite WPS (configuración WiFi protegida) para configurar fácilmente la conexión inalámbrica con un solo botón. [. . . ] Plug the power cord back in, and then press the button to turn on the printer. Take care not to press the button too quickly. It might take a few minutes for the printer to turn on, so if you press the button more than once, you might be turning off the printer. If you have completed all the above steps, but are still having a problem, contact HP support for service. 1. English If you are unable to print. . . Windows Make sure that your HP Photosmart is set as the default printer. To do this: · On the Windows taskbar, click Start. · Then open: · Devices and Printers (Windows 7) · Printers (Vista) · Printers and Faxes (XP) Look for your printer to see if it has a check mark in a circle next to it. If not, right-click the printer icon and choose "Set as default printer" from the menu. If you still can't print, or if the Windows software installation failed: 1. Remove the CD from your computer's CD drive, and then disconnect the printer from the computer. Temporarily disable any software firewall and close any anti-virus software. Insert the printer software CD into the computer CD drive, then follow the onscreen instructions to install the printer software. Do not connect the USB cable until you are told to do so. After the installation finishes, restart the computer and any security software you disabled or closed. Mac If you are unable to print, uninstall and reinstall the software. The uninstaller removes all the HP software components that are specific to this HP Photosmart. It does not remove any components that are shared by other printers or programs. Disconnect the printer from your computer. Open the Applications: Hewlett-Packard folder. Insert the CD into your computer's CD drive. On the desktop, open the CD, then double-click HP Installer. Follow the onscreen instructions. 10 Get to know your HP Photosmart Back Returns you to the previous screen. Copy From the Home screen, opens the Copy menu for you to choose color and number of copies. Photo From the Home screen, opens the Photo menu for you to edit, print, and save photos. Cancel Stops the current operation, restores default settings, and clears the current photo selection. Directional keys Navigate through menu options and photos. [. . . ] However, if printer failure or damage is attributable to the use of a non-HP or refilled cartridge or an expired ink cartridge, HP will charge its standard time and materials charges to service the printer for the particular failure or damage. If HP receives, during the applicable warranty period, notice of a defect in any product which is covered by HP's warranty, HP shall either repair or replace the product, at HP's option. If HP is unable to repair or replace, as applicable, a defective product which is covered by HP's warranty, HP shall, within a reasonable time after being notified of the defect, refund the purchase price for the product. HP shall have no obligation to repair, replace, or refund until the customer returns the defective product to HP. [. . . ]


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