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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso KOMPERNASS KH 4077 HALOGEN WORK SPOTLIGHTS

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] 5 KOMPERNASS GMBH · BURGSTRASSE 21 · D-44867 BOCHUM www. kompernass. com ID-Nr. : KH4077-11/07-V1 PROYECTOR HALÓGENO DE TRABAJO PROIETTORE DA LAVORO ALOGENO KH 4077 PROYECTOR HALÓGENO DE TRABAJO Instrucciones de uso PROIETTORE DA LAVORO ALOGENO Istruzioni per l'uso HALOGEN WORK SPOTLIGHTS Operating instructions HALOGENARBEITSSTRAHLER Bedienungsanleitung KH 4077 w q e g r f t d 1!y a u o i ÍNDICE Indicaciones de seguridad Descripción del aparato Montaje Desmontar las lámparas halógenas Montar las lámparas halógenas Limpieza Eliminación de fallos Evacuación Características técnicas Servicio Importador PÁGINA 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 ¡Guardar estas instrucciones para preguntas posteriores ­ e, igualmente entregar éstas, en caso de dar el aparato a terceras personas! -1- PROYECTOR HALÓGENO DE TRABAJO Indicaciones de seguridad Riesgo de descarga eléctrica! · Conecte el proyector halógeno de pie únicamente a una base de enchufe instalada según la normativa y con una tensión de red de 220-240 V ~, con 50 Hz. · Cuando existan problemas en el funcionamiento y antes de limpiar el proyector halógeno de pie extraiga la clavija de red de la base de enchufe. · No sumerja el proyector halógeno de pie en líquido bajo ningún concepto y no permita que entre líquido en la carcasa del aparato. [. . . ] Rispettare le norme attualmente in vigore. In caso di dubbi, contattare l'azienda di smaltimento competente. Smaltire tutti i materiali d'imballo in conformità alle norme per il rispetto dell'ambiente. - 11 - - 12 - CONTENT Safety instructions Description of the appliance Assembly Removing the halogen lamps. Inserting the halogen lamps Cleaning Troubleshooting Disposal Technical data Service Importer PAGE 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 Read the operating instructions carefully before using the appliance for the first time and preserve this booklet for later reference. Pass the manual on to whomsoever might acquire the scale at a later date. - 13 - HALOGEN WORK SPOTLIGHTS Safety instructions Danger of electrical shock! · Only connect the Stand Halogen Floodlight to correctly installed wall sockets having a mains current of 220 - 240 V at 50 Hz. · Unplug the Stand Halogen Floodlight from the socket if you notice any faulty operation and when you decide to clean it. · Under no circumstances may the Stand Halogen Floodlight be immersed in liquids, or liquids be permitted to permeate into the housing. Should liquids nonetheless gain entry into the appliance housing, immediately unplug the appliance from the mains supply and arrange for it to be repaired by qualified specialists. · Never touch the Stand Halogen Floodlight, power cable or plug with wet hands · To unplug the appliance, always pull the plug from the socket, do not pull the cord itself · Do not crease or crimp the power cable and place it in such a way as to prevent anyone from stepping on or tripping over it. · To avoid the risk of injury, arrange for defective power plugs and/or cables to be replaced as soon as possible by a qualified technician or by our Customer Service Department to avoid the risk of injury. · Separate your Stand Halogen Floodlight from the mains supply immediately after use. The appliance is only completely switched off after having been unplugged. Danger of injuries · If they have not previously been supervised or instructed in its correct usage, do not allow individuals (including children) to use the appliance whose physical, sensorial or mental abilities or lack of experience and knowledge hinder their safe usage of it if they have not previously been supervised or instructed in its correct usage. · Inform children about the appliance and its potential dangers and that they should not play with it. Attention · Always remove the plug from electrical sockets before exchanging the halogen lamps. · Allow the halogen lamps to cool before removing them. · Switch the Stand Halogen Floodlight off only with the ON/OFF switch. · Never touch the glass covering, the power cable or the metal housing whilst it is in operation. These parts of the appliance will become very hot during use. To avoid burn injuries, do not touch these surfaces!· Arrange for a defective glass cover to be immediately replaced by a suitable new one. · Never direct the halogen floodlights towards each other. The appliance could be damaged by the large generation of heat. · Always ensure that the Stand Halogen Floodlight is sufficiently distant from yourself and easily meltable items. · To avoid eye damage, do not look directly into the Stand Halogen Floodlight. [. . . ] Stecken Sie ein Keramikende auf die entsprechende Fassung. Stecken Sie nun das andere Keramikende auf die gegenüberliegende Fassung. Stellen Sie sicher, dass auf beiden Seiten der Kontakt hergestellt wurde. Die Fassung sollte nun die Halogenlampe fest halten, so dass die Halogenlampe sich nicht mehr bewegen kann. [. . . ]


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