Manual de instrucciones LG 32LN613S

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Mode d'emploi LG 32LN613S

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   LG 32LN613S (24513 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso LG 32LN613S

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] • Keep doors or windows closed tightly while you are operating the air conditioner. • Adjust the direction of the air flow vertically or horizontally to circulate indoor air. • Speed up the fan to cool or warm indoor air quickly, in a short period of time. • Open windows regularly for ventilation as the indoor air quality may deteriorate if the air conditioner is used for many hours. [. . . ] • Use a dedicated circuit. Usage • Being exposed to direct airflow for an extended period of time could be hazardous to your health. Do not expose occupants, pets, or plants to direct airflow for extended periods of time. • Due to the possibility of oxygen deficiency, ventilate the room when used together with stoves or other heating devices. • Do not use this air conditioner for non-specified special purposes (e. g. preserving precision devices, food, pets, plants, and art objects). Such usage could damage the items. Cleaning and maintenance • Do not touch the metal parts of the unit when removing the filter. Injuries can occur when handling sharp metal edges. • Do not use water to clean inside the air conditioner. Exposure to water can destroy the insulation, leading to possible electric shock. • When cleaning the unit, first make sure that the power and breaker are turned off. The fan rotates at a very high speed during operation. (Please refer the Installer Setting Code Table. ) 3 Press the ON/OFF button toward the indoor unit 1 time. 4 Reset the remote controller to use the general operation mode. Refer to the Installer Setting Code Table on the next page. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 13 ENGLISH Installer Setting - Installer Setting Code Table Installer Setting Code Table No. 0 Function Mode Override Function Code Setting Value 0 : Set to Master Remote Controller LCD 0 1 : Set to Slave 1 : Standard 1 Ceiling Height Selection 2 : Low 1 3 : High 4 : Super High 0 : Set to Master Group Control 2 2 1 : Set to Slave 2 : Check Master/Slave 3 : Set to Auxiliary heater Auxiliary heater 2 4 : Cancel Auxiliary heater 5 : Check Auxiliary heater Installation Mode Override This Function is only for Non-Auto Changeover H/P model. Ceiling Height Selection Our products provide variety of air volumes and capacities according to the selection of ceiling heights. Cooling/Heating performance is enhanced with relation to ceiling height. - The highest/cooling heating performance and efficiency are provide at super high. (Some noise may be generated according to the level height setting. ) Group Control This function is only for group control. Please don’t set this function in case of non-group control. After setting Group Control of the product, turn off the power then turn it back on after 1 minute. Auxiliary heater This function is only applied to models with Auxiliary Heater function being activated. 14 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH Installer Setting - Setting Address of Central Control 1 With the MODE button pressed, press the RESET button. 2 By using the temperature setting button, set the indoor unit address. • Setting range : 00 ~ FF 3 After setting the address, press the ON/OFF button toward the indoor unit 1 time. 4 The indoor unit will display the set address to complete the address setting. • The address display time and method can differ by the indoor uint type. 5 Reset the remote controller to use the general operation mode. Installer Setting - Checking Address of Central Control 1 With the PLASMA button pressed, press the RESET button. 2 Press the ON/OFF button toward the indoor unit 1 time, and the indoor unit will display the set address in the display window. [. . . ] Save time and money! Check the following points before requesting repairs or service. . . . If the malfunction persist, please contact your dealer. - Have you made a mistake in timer operation?- Has the fuse blown or has the circuit breaker been tripped? [. . . ]


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