Manual de instrucciones LG AMNH24GB2A1

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Mode d'emploi LG AMNH24GB2A1
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso LG AMNH24GB2A1

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Any of these conditions could result in electric shock or fire. Periodically examine the cord of your appliance, and if its appearance indicates damage or deterioration, unplug it, discontinue use of the appliance, and have the cord replaced with an exact replacement part by an authorized service center. Protect the power cord from physical or mechanical abuse, such as being twisted, kinked, pinched, closed in a door, or walked upon. Pay particular attention to plugs, wall outlets, and the point where the cord exits the appliance. [. . . ] DVD-RW (8 cm / 12 cm disc) -- VR mode, Video mode and finalized only -- DVD-RW discs that contain Video, Audio or Photo files. DVD+RW (8 cm / 12 cm disc) -- Video mode and finalized only -- DVD+RW discs that contain Video, Audio or Photo files. Audio CD (8 cm / 12 cm disc) CD-R/RW (8 cm / 12 cm disc) -- CD-R/RW discs that contain audio titles, Video, Audio or Photo files. You have to set the disc format option to [Mastered] in order to make the discs compatible with the players when formatting rewritable discs. When setting the option to Live System, you cannot use it on player. (Mastered/Live File System: Disc format system for windows Vista) About the “7” Symbol Display “7” may appear on the screen during operation and indicates that the function explained in this owner’s manual is not available on that specific media. Symbols Used in this Manual A section whose title has one of the following symbols are applicable only to the disc or file represented by the symbol. r t y u i DVD-Video, DVD±R/RW Audio CDs Video files contained in the USB/Disc Audio files contained in the USB/Disc Photo files contained in the USB/Disc Regional Code This unit has a regional code printed on the bottom of the unit. This unit can play only DVD disc labelled same as the rear of the unit or “ALL”. Note , , Getting Started 7 File Compatibility Overall Available File extensions: “. avi”, “. mpg”, ”. mpeg”, “. mp3”, “. wma”, “. jpg”, “divx” yy Some wav files are not supported on this player. yy The file name is limited to 45 characters. yy Depending on the size and number of the files, it may take several minutes to read the contents on the media. Maximum Files/Folder: Less than 600 (total number of files and folders) CD-R/RW, DVD±R/RW Format: ISO 9660+JOLIET Photo Files Photo size: Less than 2M recommended. yy Progressive and lossless compression photo image files are not supported. 1 Getting Started Notes of USB Device yy This unit supports USB device with FAT16 or FAT32 format. 2. Use W/S to select the first setup option, and press D to move to the second level. 3. Use W/S to select a second setup option, and press D to move to the third level. 4. Use W/S to select a desired setting, and press ENTER to confirm your selection. Display Mode If you selected 4:3, you’ll need to define how you would like widescreen programs and films to be displayed on your TV screen. [Letterbox]: This displays a widescreen picture with black bands at the top and bottom of the screen. [Panscan]: This fills the entire 4:3 screen, cropping the picture as necessary. 3 System Setting [LANGUAGE] Menu Menu Language Select a language for the Setup menu and onscreen display. Disc Audio/Disc Subtitle/Disc Menu Select a language for the Disc Audio/ Disc Subtitle/ Disc Menu. [Original]: Refers to the original language in which the disc was recorded. [Other]: To select another language, enter the corresponding 4-digit number using W/S/A/D. For the language code list, refer to page 19. [Off] (for Disc Subtitle): Turn off Subtitle. 12 System Setting [AUDIO] Menu DRC (Dynamic Range Control) Make the sound clear when the volume is turned down (Dolby Digital only). Set to [On] for this effect. [OTHERS] Menu DivX(R) VOD ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivX® is a digital video format created by DivX, LLC, a subsidiary of Rovi Corporation. This is an official DivX Certified® device that plays DivX video. [. . . ] Press D/M to continue play at normal speed. Music tu To Play repeatedly Do this Press OPTION during playback and select [Repeat]. (TRACK / ALL) Playing in Press OPTION and select random order [Random], and then select [ON] or [OFF] using A/D. Create or delete your own program Select the desired file in [List] and press D to move to “ “, and then press ENTER to create the music lists. Select the undesired file in [Program] and press D to move to “ ”, and then press ENTER to delete programmed music lists. [. . . ]


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