Manual de instrucciones LG BH7240B-DT

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Mode d'emploi LG BH7240B-DT

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   LG BH7240B-DT (7549 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso LG BH7240B-DT

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] WARNING: TO PREVENT FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS PRODUCT TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. WARNING: Do not install this equipment in a confined space such as a book case or similar unit. CAUTION: Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. [. . . ] You can change the various playback speeds by pressing c or v repeatedly. Using the disc menu ero To display the disc menu The menu screen may be displayed first after loading a disc which contains a menu. If you want to display the disc menu during playback, press DISC MENU. Use W/S/A/D buttons to navigate through menu items. To slow down the playing speed While the playback is paused, press v repeatedly to play various speeds of slow motion. To skip to the next/previous chapter/track/file During playback, press C or V to go to the next chapter/track/file or to return to the beginning of the current chapter/track/file. Press C twice briefly to step back to the previous chapter/track/file. In the file list menu of a server, there may have many types of content in a folder together. In this case, press C or V to go to the previous or next content with same type. To display the Popup menu Some BD-ROM discs contain Popup menu that appears during playback. Press TITLE/POPUP during playback, and use W/ S/A/D buttons to navigate through menu items. Operating 41 Resume playback eroyt u The unit records the point where you pressed the Z (STOP) depending on the disc. If “MZ (Resume Stop)” appears on the screen briefly, press d (PLAY) to resume playback (from the scene point). If you press Z (STOP) twice or unload the disc, “Z(Complete Stop)” appears on the screen. yy The resume point may be cleared when a button is pressed (for example; 1 (POWER), B (OPEN/CLOSE), etc). yy On BD-ROM discs with BD-J, the resume playback function does not work. 1. While viewing pictures, press INFO/MENU (m). 2. Select an [Option] using A/D, and press ENTER (b) a [Speed] - Use A/D to select a delaying speed between photos in a slide show. b [Effect] - Use A/D to select a transition effect between photos in a slide show. c [Music Select] – Select the background music for the slide show (page 48). To control photo view Controls playback and sets options while viewing pictures in full screen. You can control playback and set options while viewing pictures in full screen. While viewing pictures, press INFO/MENU (m). 4 Operating a [Slideshow] - Starts or pause slide show. b [Music] - Select the background music for the slide show (page 48). c [Option] - Displays slide show options. d [Rotate] - Rotates the photo clockwise. e [Zoom] - Displays the [Zoom] menu. 44 Operating Advanced Playback Repeat playback erotu y Blu-ray Disc / DVD / Video files During playback, press REPEAT (h) to select a desired repeat mode. A-B – Selected portion will be repeated continually. [. . . ] Input power Net Dimensions (W x H x D) Net Weight Max. Input power Net Dimensions (W x H x D) Net Weight 388 W 88 mm X 181 mm X 81 mm 0. 7 kg 388 W 88 mm X 121 mm X 81 mm 0. 5 kg 388 W 360 mm X 81 mm X 70 mm 1. 2 kg 460 W 251 mm X 336 mm X 310 mm 5. 7 kg Rear speaker (Left/ Right) (S73B1-S/S73B3-S) Center speaker (S73T1-C/S73T3-C) Subwoofer (S73T1-W) 6 Appendix Appendix 77 Speakers (BH7430P/BH7430PB) Front speaker (Left/ Right) (S73T1-S/S73T3-S) Type Impedance Rated Input Power Type Impedance Rated Input Power Type Impedance Rated Input Power Type Impedance Rated Input Power 2 Way 3 speaker 4Ω 194 W 1 Way 1 speaker 4Ω 194 W 2 Way 3 speaker 4Ω 194 W 1 Way 1 speaker 3Ω 230 W Max. Input power Net Dimensions (W x H x D) Net Weight Max. Input power Net Dimensions (W x H x D) Net Weight Max. [. . . ]


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