Manual de instrucciones LG CV12

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Mode d'emploi LG CV12
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso LG CV12

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] ENGLISH ITALIANO ESPAÑOL FRANÇAIS DEUTSCH РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК PORTUGUESE NEDERLANDS OWNER’S MANUAL AIR CONDITIONER Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference. Type: Ceiling Suspended & Floor stand Air conditioner Ceiling Suspended Air Conditioner www. lg. com P/NO : MFL62085017 2 TIPS FOR SAVING ENERGY ENGLISH TIPS FOR SAVING ENERGY Here are some tips that will help you minimize the power consumption when you use the air conditioner. You can use your air conditioner more efficiently by referring to the instructions below: • Do not cool excessively indoors. This may be harmful for your health and may consume more electricity. • Block sunlight with blinds or curtains while you are operating the air conditioner. [. . . ] 16 RESET Button Used to reset the remote controller. 8 1 2 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 16 12 13 14 15 Operation Mode Cooling Mode Auto Mode or Auto Changeover Dehumidification mode Heating Mode Fan Mode • Cooling Model( ), Heat Pump Model( ) 10 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION ENGLISH !CAUTION • Aim at the signal receiver on the wired remote controller so as to operate. • The remote control signal can be received at a distance of up to about 7m. • Be sure that there are no obstructions between the remote controller and the signal receptor. • Do not drop or throw the remote controller. • Do not place the remote controller in a location exposed to direct sunlight, or near the heating unit, or any other heat source. • Block a strong light over the signal receptor with a curtain or etc. so as to prevent the abnormal operation. (ex:electronic quick start, ELBA, inverter type fluorescent lamp) ! NOTE • For more details refer to the Wireless Remote Control Accessory manual. • The actual product can be different from above contents depending upon model type. OPERATING INSTRUCTION 11 ENGLISH OPERATING INSTRUCTION How to insert the Batteries Remove the battery cover by pulling it according to the arrow direction. Insert new batteries making sure that the (+) and (-) of battery are installed correctly. Reattach the cover by sliding it back into position. Wireless Remote Controller Maintenance Choose a suitable place where its safe & easy to reach. Fix the holder to wall etc with the supplied screws firmly. Slide the remote controller inside the holder. !! NOTE NOTE • Always use/replace both batteries of same type. • If the system is not to be used for a long time, remove the batteries to save their working life. • If the display screen of remote controller starts, fading replace both of the batteries. • Remote controller should never be exposed to direct sunlight. • Signal transmitter & receiver should always be clean for proper communication. • In case some other appliances also get operated with remote control, change their position or consult your serviceman. 12 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Installer Setting -How to enter installer setting mode !CAUTION Installer setting mode is to set the detail function of the remote controller. If the installer setting mode is not set correctly, it can cause problems to the product, user injury or property damage. This must be set by an certificated installer, and any installation or change that is carried out by a non-certificated person should be responsible for the results. [. . . ] - The room may have been very hot when the room air conditioner was first turned on. - Has the temperature been set incorrectly?- Are the indoor unit's air inlet or outlet vents obstructed?- Check that this is not a damp smell exuded by the walls, carpet, furniture or cloth items in the room. [. . . ]


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