Manual de instrucciones LG DT733

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Mode d'emploi LG DT733

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   LG DT733 (1522 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso LG DT733

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] OWNER’S MANUAL Portable DVD Player Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference. DT733 2 Getting Started Use of controls, adjustments or the performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure. CAUTION concerning the Power Cord Most appliances recommend they be placed upon a dedicated circuit; That is, a single outlet circuit which powers only that appliance and has no additional outlets or branch circuits. Check the specification page of this owner’s manual to be certain. Overloaded wall outlets, loose or damaged wall outlets, extension cords, frayed power cords, or damaged or cracked wire insulation are dangerous. [. . . ] yy TITLE: Displays the DVD title menu, if available. yy MENU: Accesses or exits the DVD menu. yy W/S/A/D: Use to select an item in the menu. f yy ENTER: Press to confirm menu selection. yy RETURN (x): Moves backward or exits the menu. g "1/I (Power): Switches the unit ON or OFF. h - VOL (Volume): Adjusts the volume level of the built-in speaker and earphones. j < (Earphones): Connect earphones here. g h i jkl k AV OUT: Connect to a TV with video and audio input. l 9 V IN 0: Connect the AC adapter or automotive adapter. Main Unit 1 Getting Started OFF ON b Getting Started 9 Supplied Accessories Rechargeable Battery yy The internal rechargeable battery provides you with the freedom to pass it around and play the files without the power cord. yy The internal rechargeable battery will start charging only when the unit is turned off and the AC adapter is connected to a power outlet. yy The charging stops if you turn on the unit. yy The charging will take approximately 3 hours. yy Operating time on battery: approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. The operating time on battery may vary depending on the battery status, operational status and environment conditions, and the maximum playing time is possible up to 3 hours. yy When the remaining time of the battery power is under a few minutes, “ Check Battery” will blink on the screen. 1 Getting Started RCA Video/Audio Adapter (1) Automotive Adapter (1) yy The actual AC Adapter may differ from the drawing. AC Adapter (IM090WE) (1) 10 Connecting Connecting the AC Adapter Connect the unit to the power supply with the supplied AC adapter. Connecting the Automotive Adapter Connect the unit to the cigarette lighter socket with the supplied automotive adapter. 2 Connecting yy Contact an electrical parts distributor for assistance in selecting a suitable AC plug adapter or AC cord set. yy This AC adapter is manufactured by I-MAG ELECTRONICS (DONG GUAN) CO. , LTD. Only use the AC adapter supplied with this device. Do not use a power supply from another device or another manufacturer. Using any other power cable or power supply may cause damage to the device and void your warranty. Plug into the car’s cigarette lighter socket. yy Contact an electrical parts distributor for assistance in selecting a suitable automotive adapter. yy This automotive adapter is manufactured by Lianyao Electronic Technology (ShenZhen) Co. , Ltd. Note , , Connecting Audio and Video Cable Connect the AV OUT on the unit to AV cable connected from TV with the supplied AV adapter. (White) (Red) (Yellow) Audio/Video Cable (not supplied) System Setting 11 Settings When the unit is turned-on at the first time, you have to select the desired language. [. . . ] But, if you want to delete all from programmed lists, select [Clear All] and then press ENTER. Display file information (ID3 TAG) While playing a MP3 file containing file information, you can display the information by pressing DISPLAY repeatedly. yy Depending on the MP3 files, information may not be displayed on the screen. 4 Operating 16 Appendix Photoi To View photo files as a slide show Adjust slide show speed Do this Use W/S/A/D to highlight [`] icon then press ENTER to start slide show. You can change slide show speed using A/D when [J] icon is highlighted. Rotate a photo Use W/S to rotate the photo in full screen counterclockwise or clockwise while viewing a photo in full screen. [. . . ]


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