Manual de instrucciones LG WD-12332RD

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Mode d'emploi LG WD-12332RD

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   LG WD-12332RD (2949 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso LG WD-12332RD

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[. . . ] : 0870 - 872 - 7337 LGEUK SERVICE WEB-SITE : http://uk. lge. com P/No. : MFL31184299 Washing Machine OWNER’S MANUAL WD(M)-1439(0~9)TDK WD(M)-1239(0~9)TDK WD(M)-1039(0~9)TDK Thank you for buying a LG Fully Automatic Washing machine. Please read your owner's manual carefully, it provides instructions on safe installation, use and maintenance. Record the model and serial numbers of your washing machine. P roduct Features Protection against creases With the alternate rotation of the drum, creasing in the laundry is minimized. More economical by Intelligent Wash System Intelligent Wash System detects the amount of load and water temperature, and then determines the optimum water level and washing time to minimize energy and water consumption. 추가선택, 예약, Child Lock The Child lock prevents children from pressing any button to change the settings during operation. [. . . ] Water softener max MAX 2) Load the laundry into the drum. • A water softener, such as Anti limescale (Clagon) can be used to cut down on the use of detergent in extremely hard water areas. Dispense according to the amount specified on the packaging. First add detergent and then the water softener. • Use the quantity of detergent as for soft water. 3) Close the door. 13 F unction Recommended courses according to the laundry type Program Fabric Type First check if laundry is machine washable. (white cotton, linen towel and sheets. . . ) Thick laundry absorbing much water(Jumper) Color fast gaments (shirts, night dresses, pajamas. . . )and lightly soiled white cotton(underwear. . . ) Synthetic Polyamide, Acryic, Polyester Proper Temp. Option Maximum Load 95˚C Medic Rinse Intensive Pre Wash Crease Care Rating Cotton 60˚C (Cold, 30˚C, 40°C) 40˚C (Cold, 30˚C, 60°C) 60˚C (Cold, 30˚C, 40°C) Rating Less than 3. 0 kg Cotton Quick Cotton which is lightly soiled Rating Quick 30 Colored Laundry which is lightly soiled fast. “Hand Wash” marked laundry or machine washable woolens Delicate laundry easily damaged (silk, curtains. . . ) Thick laundry absorbing much water(Jumper) 30˚C (Cold, 40°C ) 30˚C (Cold, 40°C ) 30˚C (Cold, 40°C ) 30˚C (Cold) 60˚C (95°C) 60˚C (95°C) 95˚C (60°C) 95˚C Medic Rinse Intensive Pre Wash Crease Care Medic Rinse Intensive Crease Care Intensive Less than 2. 0 kg Less than 2. 0 kg Less than 2. 0 kg Rating Hand Wash / Wool Delicate Bulky Bedcover Only for bedcover For elimination of protein stains Laundry for infant For elimination of remnant detergent after boiling wash Rating Bio Care Rating Less than 6. 0 kg Rating Baby Care Boiling Care ❋ Medic Rinse : For high effectiveness or more purity in rinse operation you can choose Medic Rinse option. ❋ Pre Wash : If the laundry is heavily soiled, “Pre Wash” Course is recommended. ❋ Intensive : When washing heavily soiled laundry you can increase effectiveness by choosing “Intensive” option. ❋ Program setting with “Intensive” option for test in accordance or in conformity with EN60456 and IEC60456. ❋ Crease Care : If you want to prevent crease, select Crease Care button. 14 H ow to use washer 1. Cotton automatically selected upon power on. • Press the Power button to start. • Initial conditions - Wash : main wash - Rinse : 3 times - Spin : 1000 rpm [WD(M)-1039(0~9)TDK] 1200 rpm [WD(M)-1239(0~9)TDK] 1400 rpm [WD(M)-1439(0~9)TDK] - Water temperature : 60˚C - Program : Cotton 2. Manual Selecting • Press the Power button to start. • Select the conditions which you want to use, by turning the program dial and pressing each button. For selecting the each conditions, please refer to the page16~page21 • Press the Start/Pause button. 15 H ow to use washer 6 10 (1) Dial : Program (2) Button : Start / Pause (3) Button : Spin (4) Button : Temperature (5) Button : Power (6) Button : Medic Rinse (7) Button : Pre Wash (8) Button : Intensive (9) Button : Crease Care (10) Child Lock (11) Button : Time Delay Option • By pressing the Option button, all Option functions may be selected. 3. Intensive • If the laundry is heavily soiled “Intensive” option is effective. • By selecting the Intensive option, the wash time may be extended, depending on the program selected. 1. Medic Rinse • For high effectiveness or more purity in rinse operation you can choose Medic Rinse option. • It can be chosen in all course with the exception of Cotton Quick, Quick 30, Hand Wash/Wool, Delicate, Bulky. 4. Crease Care • If you want to prevent crease, select this button with spin speed. The required lamp will light up for identification. 2. Pre Wash • If the laundry is heavily soiled, “Pre Wash” course is effective. [. . . ] • Is the door opened? Symptom Solution Check another tap in the house. Add 1 or 2 similar items to help balance the load. Rearrange load to allow proper spinning Close the door. ” is not released, call for ❋ If “ service. [. . . ]


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