Manual de instrucciones NOKIA 6255

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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso NOKIA 6255

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] User Guide Manual del Usuario Nokia 6255, Nokia 6255i, Nokia 6256, and Nokia 6256i User Guide Note: Spanish translation of this guide begins on page 121. 1 Copyright © 2004 Nokia Part No. Nokia, Nokia Connecting People, Nokia 6255, Nokia 6255i, Nokia 6256, Nokia 6256i, Pop-Port, and the Nokia Original Enhancements logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Other company and product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners. Printed in Canada 10/2004 US Patent No 5818437 and other pending patents. [. . . ] CTIA-funded research is conducted through contracts to independent investigators. The initial research will include both laboratory studies and studies of wireless phone users. The CRADA will also include a broad assessment of additional research needs in the context of the latest research developments around the world. 6. 112 Appendix B Message from the FDA 7. How can I find out how much radiofrequency energy exposure I can get by using my wireless phone?All phones sold in the United States must comply with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) guidelines that limit radiofrequency energy (RF) exposures. FCC established these guidelines in consultation with FDA and the other federal health and safety agencies. The FCC limit for RF exposure from wireless telephones is set at a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of 1. 6 watts per kilogram (1. 6 W/kg). The FCC limit is consistent with the safety standards developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE) and the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement. The exposure limit takes into consideration the body's ability to remove heat from the tissues that absorb energy from the wireless phone and is set well below levels known to have effects. Manufacturers of wireless phones must report the RF exposure level for each model of phone to the FCC. The FCC website (http://www. fcc. gov/oet/rfsafety) gives directions for locating the FCC identification number on your phone so you can find your phone's RF exposure level in the online listing. What has FDA done to measure the radiofrequency energy coming from wireless phones?The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) is developing a technical standard for measuring the radiofrequency energy (RF) exposure from wireless phones and other wireless handsets with the participation and leadership of FDA scientists and engineers. The standard, Recommended Practice for Determining the Spatial-Peak Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Body Due to Wireless Communications Devices: Experimental Techniques, sets forth the first consistent test methodology for measuring the rate at which RF is deposited in the heads of wireless phone users. The test method uses a tissue-simulating model of the human head. Standardized SAR test methodology is expected to greatly improve the consistency of measurements made at different laboratories on the same phone. SAR is the measurement of the amount of energy absorbed in tissue, either by the whole body or a small part of the body. It is measured in watts/kg (or milliwatts/g) of matter. This measurement is used to determine whether a wireless phone complies with safety guidelines. What steps can I take to reduce my exposure to radiofrequency energy from my wireless phone?If there is a risk from these products--and at this point we do not know that there is--it is probably very small. But if you are concerned about avoiding even potential risks, you can take a few simple steps to minimize your exposure to radiofrequency energy (RF). Since time is a key factor in how much exposure a person receives, reducing the amount of time spent using a wireless phone will reduce RF exposure. 8. 9. 113 If you must conduct extended conversations by wireless phone every day, you could place more distance between your body and the source of the RF, since the exposure level drops off dramatically with distance. [. . . ] Consulte este manual o con su proveedor de servicio. Cuando haga una llamada de emergencia, recuerde dar toda la información necesaria de la forma más exacta posible. Su dispositivo celular podría ser el único medio de comunicación en el lugar de un accidente. No corte la llamada hasta que reciba instrucción de hacerlo. 223 Copyright © 2004 Nokia Información de certificado (SAR-TAE) ESTE MODELO DE TELÉFONO CELULAR CUMPLE CON TODOS LOS REQUERIMIENTOS GUBERNAMENTALES SOBRE EXPOSICIÓN A LA RADIOFRECUENCIA. [. . . ]


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