Manual de instrucciones OLYMPUS WS-320M

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Mode d'emploi OLYMPUS WS-320M

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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso OLYMPUS WS-320M

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] DIGITAL VOICE RECORDER WS-320M WS-310M WS-300M INSTRUCTIONS EN INSTRUCTIONS FR MODE D'EMPLOI ES INSTRUCCIONES Thank you for purchasing an Olympus Digital Voice Recorder. Please read these instructions for information about using the product correctly and safely. Keep the instructions handy for future reference. To ensure successful recordings, we recommend that you test the record function and volume before use. EN Table of Contents Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ] 1 File length (Count up indicator) Indicates the length of the file and playback elapsed time with the bar and counting up. 2 File length (Count down indicator) Indicates the length of the file and the remaining playback time with the bar and counting down. 3 Time stamp Shows the time that the file was recorded. While in Stop Mode Press and hold the STOP button. While the STOP button is being pressed down, 1 and 2 will be alternately displayed every second and will return to the previous display when the STOP button is released. 1 Memory remaining (Remaining time indicator) Displays the remaining time available for recording with the numbers and remaining memory E/F bar. 2 Memory remaining (Remaining memory indicator) Displays the remaining memory available for recording with the numbers and remaining memory E/F bar. 36 While in Record Mode Press the OK button. Each time the OK button is pressed, 1 and 2 will be alternately displayed. 1 Recording level meter (Count up indicator) Displays the audio input level with the meter at the bottom, remaining memory with the E / F bar and recording elapsed time with the counter. 2 LCD Display Information 2 Recording level meter (Count down indicator) Displays the audio input level with the meter at the bottom, remaining memory with the E / F bar and remaining recording time with the count down. Display in the stereo recording mode Display in the monaural recording mode While in Recording in VCVA Mode Press the OK button. Each time the OK button is pressed, 1 and 2 will be alternately displayed. 1 VCVA recording level meter (Count up indicator) Displays the audio input level and start level with the meter at the bottom, remaining memory with the E / F bar and recording elapsed time with the counter. (Displays in "Standby" if it has not reached to the VCVA start level). 2 VCVA recording level meter (Count down indicator) Displays the audio input level and start level with the meter at the bottom, remaining memory with the E / F bar and remaining recording time with the count down. (Displays in "Standby" if it has not reached to the VCVA start level). Display in the stereo recording mode Display in the monaural recording mode 37 Menu List (VOICE Mode) Menu 2 Menu List (VOICE Mode) Press and hold the OK button for 1 second or longer. Rec Mode ( P. 20) ST HQ HQ SP LP Conf Dict On O ff Mic sense setting. Selection between Conf (high-sensitivity mode) and Dict (low-sensitivity mode). Switch between On (enabled) and Off (disabled). Selection from ST HQ, HQ, SP and LP modes. Mic Sense ( P. 21) VCVA ( P. 18) Sub Menu ( P. 75) : : : : Press the + or ­ button. Press the 0 button. : Press the OK button. : Press and hold the OK button for 1 second or longer. : Initial setting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Notes · If you press either of the STOP, REC or PLAY button during the setting, the previously set items will be applied and enters into the stop mode. · The recorder will stop if you leave it idle for 3 minutes during a menu setup operation, when a selected item is not applied. 38 Sub Menu Lock ( P. 34) On O ff O ff Locking files setting. Selection between On (locked) and Off (unlocked). 2 Menu List (VOICE Mode) Back Space ( P. 31) 1 Sec 2 Sec Back space setting. Selection from Off, 1 Sec and 2 Sec. All Play ( P. 28) On O ff Continuous playback setting. Selection between On (enabled) and Off (disabled). Time & Date ( P. 12) In order of hour, minute, year, month and day. Time/Date setting. Format ( P. 79) Cancel Start Recorder formatting. Contrast ( P. 78) Adjust the level from 1 to 12. 06 LCD contrast adjustment. Backlight ( P. 77) On O ff On O ff Backlight setting. Selection between On (enabled) and Off (disabled). Selection between On (enabled) and Off (disabled). Beep ( P. 76) 39 3 Using the Recorder on Your PC Saving Files in Your PC By being connected to a PC, the recorder enables you to do the following: · You can save (back-up) the files stored in the recorder on your PC. Also, you can transfer the files from your PC to the recorder. · Playback voice files on your PC. The voice file recorded by this recorder can be played on your PC using the Windows Media Player or the simplified playback software, DSS Player - Lite, which can be downloaded for free from the website of the Olympus. [. . . ] Cancel the read-only setting of the file on the PC. Copy the music file into the Root folder or Music folder. Switch to the right folder. 7 The maximum number of index marks (16) has been reached. The destination folder for downloading was other than the Root folder or Music folder. [. . . ]


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