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PANASONIC EWDJ40 (2435 ko)
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso PANASONIC EW-DJ40
Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.
[. . . ] Doing so could result in electric shock or fire. Do not immerse the charging adaptor in water, or wash with water. Doing so could result in electric shock or shorting. Do not touch with wet hands Do not insert or pull the charging adaptor from the power outlet with wet hands. [. . . ] 3 Insert the appliance plug securely into the appliance socket.
ï Insert the appliance plug after wiping any water that may be on the socket.
4 Insert the charging adaptor securely into the power outlet.
Charging is completed in approx. ï It can be used for 15 minutes with 1 full charge. ï Leaving the main unit continuously on the charging adaptor connected to the power outlet does not affect performance. (In general, repeatedly charging and discharging the battery without fully using up the charging capacity will cause a memory effect, which decreases the usage and lowers the discharge voltage. However this appliance has been devised in such a way that it will not affect the usage. ) ï If operation stops at the start of usage (immediately after purchase or after not using for 3 months or more) or while using the appliance, be sure to charge it for 16 hours or more. If the charging indicator does not glow initially when the main unit is plugged in, wait for a short while until it does. ï The main unit will become slightly warm while charging, but this is not a malfunction. ï Charge the appliance only with the dedicated charging adaptor. Use the charging adaptor only for charging the dedicated appliance. ï If the usage time gets short even if charged properly, it could be that the battery is worn out. (Expected life of the battery is 3 years, but it can change greatly depending on how it is used and stored)
ï Use with tap water or lukewarm water. ï Do not turn the switch to ON before placing the nozzle in your mouth.
1 Open the water supply cap. the 2 Pull outmainwhiteup part of unit
to the usage line ( mark).
ï It may be hard to pull out the main unit with the water supply cap closed. ï Water pressure will not rise unless the main unit is pulled out to the usage line. ï Be careful since the nozzle might pop out from the storage compartment at this time.
2 4
the nozzle into socket 3 Insertthe white part ofthe nozzleunit. holding onto the main
ï Insert it securely until it clicks.
water. ï Always
ï If the water feels cold, use lukewarm water of up to
charging 5 Check that the glows. indicator lamp
Using the appliance
40 °C. ï Do not pour in salt, toothpaste, or chemicals. ï To continuously use, make sure the switch is set to OFF.
water supply cap. 5 Close theclose after pouring in water. 6 Placewater nozzle tube inside the suction ï The
tank may come out from the water and the flow of the water may stop when the appliance is tilted too much.
► Tips ï Hold the appliance vertically with the nozzle upward. [. . . ] For proper treatment, recovery and recycling of old products and used batteries, please take them to applicable collection points, in accordance with your national legislation and the Directives 2002/96/EC and 2006/66/EC. By disposing of these products and batteries correctly, you will help to save valuable resources and prevent any potential negative effects on human health and the environment which could otherwise arise from inappropriate waste handling. For more information about collection and recycling of old products and batteries, please contact your local municipality, your waste disposal service or the point of sale where you purchased the items. Penalties may be applicable for incorrect disposal of this waste, in accordance with national legislation. [. . . ]
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