Manual de instrucciones PANASONIC KXTS520EX1

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Mode d'emploi PANASONIC KXTS520EX1
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso PANASONIC KXTS520EX1

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] L The unit will not work during a power failure. PQQW14728XA F0305-2055 D {<} and {>} keys / Function keys The keys work as the speaker volume keys. Pressing the keys allows you to scroll through function menu. Pressing the keys allows you to enter the caller list. [. . . ] By pressing a function key, you can select the function displayed directly above it. PLAY MENU k Changing the display language To change the display language from English to Spanish, press {MENU} ({F2} key) {#} {1} {1} {0} {2}, press {SAVE} ({F3} key), then press {STOP}. Basic operation Feature To make a call To hang up To adjust the receiver or speaker volume To redial the last number dialed To make a call using the redial list To answer a call Operation Dial the phone number, then press {s}. While using the speakerphone, press {<} or {>} repeatedly. Press {<} or {>} repeatedly to display the desired number. Press {s} when hearing rings. Note: L At the beginning of a call, both parties should speak alternately. This enables the unit to adapt to its environment and let both parties speak effectively. L If the other party has difficulty hearing you, press {<} to decrease the speaker volume. L Use the unit in a quiet room. ­2­ Recording/Playing back a conversation Feature To record a conversation To play back a recorded conversation To stop playback To change fast-forward speed Operation Press {REC. } ({F1} key), while talking. Press {STOP}. 4 1 2 3 Press {SET}. Calling someone in the phonebook Press {k} ({F3} key). Press {<} or {>} to scroll the phonebook items. Press {CALL} ({F1} key) or {s}. Caller list Viewing the caller list and calling back 1 Press {MENU} ({F2} key), then press {SELECT} ({F3} key) or {SET}. L You can use {<} or {>} to enter the caller list. Press {<} to search from the most recent call, or press {>} to search from the oldest call. L To exit the caller list, press {STOP}. Press {CALL} ({F1} key) or {s}. 2 Displayed symbols L If the same caller calls more than once, it will be displayed with the number ("×2" to "×9"). [. . . ] L To exit the caller list, press {STOP}. Press {CALL} ({F1} key) or {s}. 2 Displayed symbols L If the same caller calls more than once, it will be displayed with the number ("×2" to "×9"). Only the date and time of the most recent call will be stored. [. . . ]


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