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PHILIPS 234E5QSB (4561 ko)
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso PHILIPS 234E5QSB
Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.
[. . . ] If turning off the monitor by detaching the power cable or DC power cord, wait for 6 seconds before attaching the power cable or DC power cord for normal operation. Please use approved power cord provided by Philips all the time. If your power cord is missing, please contact with your local service center. (Please refer to Customer Care Consumer Information Center) Do not subject the LCD monitor to severe vibration or high impact conditions during operation. [. . . ] When all sub pixels of a pixel are lit, the three colored sub pixels together appear as a single white pixel. When all are dark, the three colored sub pixels together appear as a single black pixel. Other combinations of lit and dark sub pixels appear as single pixels of other colors.
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Philips Pixel Defect Policy
Types of Pixel Defects
Pixel and sub pixel defects appear on the screen in different ways. There are two categories of pixel defects and several types of sub pixel defects within each category. Bright Dot Defects Bright dot defects appear as pixels or sub pixels that are always lit or 'on'. That is, a bright dot is a sub-pixel that stands out on the screen when the monitor displays a dark pattern. There are the types of bright dot defects:
One lit red, green or blue sub pixel
Two adjacent lit sub pixels: - Red + Blue = Purple Three adjacent lit sub pixels - Red + Green = Yellow - Green + Blue = Cyan (Light Blue) (one white pixel)
A red or blue bright dot must be more than 50 percent brighter than neighboring dots while a green bright dot is 30 percent brighter than neighboring dots.
Black Dot Defects Black dot defects appear as pixels or sub pixels that are always dark or 'off'. That is, a dark dot is a sub-pixel that stands out on the screen when the monitor displays a light pattern. These are the types of black dot defects:
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Philips Pixel Defect Policy
One dark sub pixel
Two or three adjacent dark sub pixels
Proximity of Pixel Defects
Because pixel and sub pixels defects of the same type that are near to one another may be more noticeable, Philips also specifies tolerances for the proximity of pixel defects.
Pixel Defect Tolerances
In order to qualify for repair or replacement due to pixel defects during the warranty period, a TFT LCD panel in a Philips flat panel monitor must have pixel or sub pixel defects exceeding the tolerances listed in the following tables.
BRIGHT DOT DEFECTS MODEL 1 lit subpixel 2 adjacent lit subpixels 3 adjacent lit subpixels (one white pixel) Distance between two bright dot defects* Total bright dot defects of all types
ACCEPTABLE LEVEL 230C1 3 1 0 >15mm 3
BLACK DOT DEFECTS MODEL 1 dark subpixel 2 adjacent dark subpixels 3 adjacent dark subpixels
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Philips Pixel Defect Policy
Distance between two black dot defects* Total black dot defects of all types
>15mm 5
TOTAL DOT DEFECTS MODEL Total bright or black dot defects of all types Note: * 1 or 2 adjacent sub pixel defects = 1 dot defect
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• Product Information • Philips Pixel Defect Policy • SmartManage Features and Benefits • Philips SmartControl ll • System support and requirement • Installation • Start to use • Q&A
SmartManage & SmartControl II (Selective Models)
Philips SmartManage is an advanced solution for users, corporate/institution IT administrator in particular, to manage their Philips monitors as part of the asset management environment. The solution includes three essential components, Philips SmartManage Administrator, and Philips SmarControl and Agent. If you are a small to middle business company, you may not need such professional software to do the asset management. If you want to launch later, you can either click the shortcut on desktop or toolbar.
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Start to use:
1. First launch –Wizard
q q q q
The first time after installation of SmartControl II, it will automatically go to Wizard for first time launch. The wizard will guide you through adjustment your monitor performance step by step. You can go to Plug-in menu to launch wizard later on as well. You can adjust more options without wizard by Standard pane. Wizard Analog Seguence Resolution Focus Brightness Contrast Position White Point (Color Temp) File Wizard Degital Seguence Resolution Contrast Brightness White Point (Color Temp) File
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2. Start with Standard pane: Adjust menu:
q q q
Adjust Menu allow you to adjust Brightness, Contrast, Focus, Position and Resolution. You can follow the instruction and do the adjustment. Cancel prompts user if you want to cancel installation. Sub Menu Brightness Contrast Focus (Clock & Clock Phase) Position Resolution Display in Analog Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Display in Digital Yes Yes No No Yes
Tab Heading Adjust Adjust Adjust Adjust Adjust
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Color menu:
q q
Color Menu allow you to adjust RGB, Black Level, White Point, Color Calibration, and SmartImage (Please refer to SmartImage section). You can follow the instruction and do the adjustment. [. . . ] The upstream port of a hub connects the hub towards the host. Each of the other downstream ports of a hub allows connection to another hub or function. Hubs can detect, attach and detach at each downstream port and enable the distribution of power to downstream devices. Each downstream port can be individually enabled and configured at either full or low speed. [. . . ]
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