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Lastmanuals permite descargar las instrucciones PHILIPS DC276.
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso PHILIPS DC276
Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.
[. . . ] If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures : Relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. [. . . ] Conecte el aparato a una toma de un circuito diferente al que está conectado el receptor. Consulte con el distribuidor o un técnico de radio/TV con experiencia para que le ayuden. modificações não autorizadas pelo fabricante, podem causar danos na operação deste aparelho.
What's in the box?¿Qué hay en la caja?
1 X GoGear docking cradle 1 Station d'accueil GoGear 1 X dispositivo de carga GoGear
3 X GoGear dock adaptors 3 Adaptateurs de station GoGear 3 X adaptadores de base GoGear
1 X iPod docking cradle 1 Station d'accueil iPod 1 X dispositivo de carga iPod
8 X iPod dock adaptors 8 Adaptateurs de station iPod 8 X adaptadores de base iPod
1 X docking cable 1 Câble de station 1 X cable de la base
1 X RCA to 3. 5mm jack converter 1 Convertisseur RCA avec prise de 3. 5mm 1 X RCA a clavija conversora 3. 5mm
English IMPORTANT! This docking kit is especially designed for use with the MCM276R Micro Hi-Fi System. The mini USB port on the back of each docking cradle is only intended for connection to the MCM276R Micro Hi-Fi System using the supplied docking cable only. Do not try to connect this port to a PC or any other USB devices!
Compatible portable players
Most Apple iPod models with 30-pin dock connectors as follows: 20GB, 40GB, 20/30GB Photo, 40/60GB Photo, 30GB Video, 60GB Video, Mini and Nano Philips GoGear players with dock connectors, as follows: HDD1420, HDD1620, HDD1630, HDD1635, HDD1820, HDD1830, HDD1835; HDD1840, 1850; HDD6320, HDD6330 Selecting the correct dock adaptor For the iPod dock, 8 dock adaptors of different type, as indicated at the back of the adaptor, are included to fit the following iPod: 20GB, 40GB, 20/30GB Photo, 40/60GB Photo, 30GB Video, 60GB Video, Mini and Nano. For the Philips GoGear dock, 3 dock adaptors of different type are included. Each adaptor is marked a number from "1" to "3" at its back. These numbers indicate the fit Philips GoGear players as follows: "1" = HDD6320/6330 "2" = HDD1420/1620/1630/1635/1820/1830/1835 "3" = HDD1840/1850
Setup 1
Connect the iPod or GoGear docking cradle (depending on the portable player you use) to the MCM276R Micro Hi-Fi System by using the docking cable and RCA to 3. 5mm jack converter as shown. Make sure to correctly connect the two line out plugs of the docking cable to the line in ports of the converter by matching colors before connecting the docking cable to the system.
Portable player
DOCK OPERATION The menu navigation or photo playback of the docked player cannot be carried out through the buttons on MCM276R or its remote control. The STOP 9 and some buttons on MCM276R and its remote control have no function.
The buttons on MCM276R and its remote control can control playback of audio contents only. [. . . ] Inclus: quatre adaptateurs pour les différents modèles d'iPod, notamment iPod touch (8 Go, 16 Go), iPod classic (80 Go, 160 Go), iPod nano 3ème génération (4 Go, 8 Go), iPod 5ème génération (30 Go, 60 Go, 80 Go), iPod nano 2ème génération (2 Go, 4 Go, 8 Go) et iPod nano 1ère génération (1 Go, 2 Go, 4 Go). Notas acerca de la conexión del iPod 1. [. . . ]
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