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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso PHILIPS HP4551
Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.
[. . . ] ENGLISH Introduction
Philips Beauty has invented a new way of colouring your hair at home. It is convenient, fast and clean. With the Color Precise Total, you can either colour all your hair or only the roots. With the brush and the comb you can distribute the colorant evenly and safely through the hair to obtain beautiful and long-lasting colour results.
3 Release the on/off button as soon as the colorant becomes visible at the roots of the bristles or when the colorant reaches the bristle tips (whichever occurs first). This takes 10 to 30 seconds, depending on the colorant you are using. 14) The Color Precise Total is now ready for colouring.
Only dispose of the batteries when they are completely empty. Remove the batteries when you discard the appliance. [. . . ] 8)
Cleaning Color Precise Total
Regular cleaning of the Color Precise Total guarantees a better colouring performance. Clean the Color Precise Total with a dry cloth. If necessary, you can use a moist cloth. Do not clean any parts of the Color Precise Total in a dishwasher or a washing machine. Do not use abrasives, scourers or liquids such as alcohol, petrol or acetone to clean the appliance. Do not rinse the appliance under the tap.
Colouring all the hair
1 Screw the hair-colouring comb back onto the colour reservoir. 9) Make sure you screw the hair-colouring comb tightly onto the reservoir to prevent colorant from leaking out. 2 Pick up the Color Precise Total and hold it horizontally by its handle. The pins of the hair-colouring comb have to point upwards. Press and hold down the on/off button to dispense colorant. 10) 3 Release the on/off button as soon as colorant becomes visible at the tips of the pins. This takes 10 to 30 seconds, depending on the colorant you are using. 11) The Color Precise Total is now ready for colouring.
You can obtain new colour reservoirs, roots-only brushes and haircolouring combs from your local Philips dealer. See also 'Information and service'.
Environment Disposable parts
Colour reservoir Roots-only brush Hair-colouring comb Locking ring Colour reservoir disc
Colouring only the roots
1 Screw the roots-only brush back onto the colour reservoir. 12) Make sure you screw the roots-only brush tightly onto the reservoir to prevent colorant from leaking out. 2 Pick up the Color Precise Total and hold it horizontally by its handle. The brushes of the roots-only brush have to point upwards. Press and hold the on/off button to dispense colorant. 13)
The disposable parts are made of 100% recyclable plastic. You can simply throw them away with the normal household waste after use. 20)
ESPAÑOL Introducción
Philips Beauty ha inventando un nuevo modo de teñirse el pelo en casa. Es práctico, rápido y limpio. Con Color Precise Total puede teñir todo el cabello o sólo las raíces. El cepillo y el peine le permiten distribuir de manera uniforme y segura el colorante por el cabello y obtener así un color bonito y duradero.
2 Coja el Color Precise Total y mantenga el mango en posición horizontal. [. . . ] Hay varias maneras de teñir el cabello largo (por debajo de los hombros). Le recomendamos recoger el pelo y ponerlo sobre un hombro. Sujete el pelo con una mano y con la otra, el aparato con las púas hacia arriba para teñir las puntas. 19) No quite el depósito de color antes de haber teñido todo el pelo o todas las raíces. [. . . ]
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