Manual de instrucciones POLTI VAPORELLA PROF 306

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   POLTI VAPORELLA PROF 306 (477 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso POLTI VAPORELLA PROF 306

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Prof 306 R VA P O R E L L A P R O F 3 0 6 E S PA O L 1) 2) 3) 3a) 3b) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Regulacin temperatura plancha Interruptor de la caldera Pulsador salida vapor Piloto calentamiento plancha Testigo de la presin Interruptor general de la plancha Tapn patentado de seguridad Alfombrilla apoyaplancha Cable alimentacin general Monotubo (tubo vapor + cable) Embudo 9 3 3a 1 5 POLTI S. p. A se reserva el derecho de introducir las modificaciones tcnicas y constructivas que considere necesarias, sin obligacin de preaviso. 6 Este aparato es conforme a la normativa de la EC 89/336 modificada el 93/68 (EMC) y a la normativa 73/23 modificada el 93/68 (baja tensin). P R E C A U C I O N E S PA R A S U UTILIZACIN Antes de utilizar VAPORELLA lea atentamente las presentes instrucciones de uso. Antes de conectar VAPORELLA debe confirmar que la tensin de la red corresponda a la indicada en los datos de la placa que hay en el aparato y que la toma de corriente est provista de toma de tierra. No adicionar ningn detergente ni sustancia qumica dentro de la caldera. El agua por su composicin natural contiene magnesio, sales minerales y otros depsitos que favorecen la formacin de cal. [. . . ] To avoid these problems, it is necessary to swill out with tapwater and empty the generator tank after every 3 or 4 uses. In very hard water areas we recommend the use of our KALSTOP FP 2003, a special natural-base decalcifier which inhibits and breaks down limescale, making it easy to remove just by swilling out the tank with a little tapwater. This is a preventive against scale build-up and protects the metal walls of the steam generator tank. KALSTOP is available from Polti dealers or by mailorder from your Polti Service Centre. Do not refill the tank while it is still hot, allow it to cool down for a few minutes before refilling. During filling and refilling we recommend you to disconnect the appliance from the mains supply. Never empty Vaporella when the water inside the generator tank is still hot. Do not place the appliance in water or in any other liquids. Do not touch the appliance with wet hands or feet whilst the appliance is connected to the mains. Never leave the appliance unattended whilst it is con14 4 2 8 7 Fig. 3 R ENGLISH VA P O R E L L A P R O F 3 0 6 nected to the mains. Do not allow Vaporella to be used by children or by people who are not familiar with the usage instructions. We recommend that the appliance is disconnected from the mains whenever it is not in use. When REfilling the generator tank, use HOT rather than cold water, pour in gently at first and keep your face away. Otherwise the still hot tank walls can spit drops of very hot water or steam spray. Do not leave the appliance exposed to wind or rain. Do not lay the hot appliance on surfaces sensitive to heat. Do not use electric extension leads that are not authorized by the manufacturer, as they may cause damage or fire. Never direct the jet of steam towards small particles of debris without first protecting the user's eyes. Never place your hands inside the jet of steam. Do not try to unscrew the safety cap when the appliance is in use. In case of accidental fall of the appliance it is necessary to have it checked by an authorized service center as the internal safety features may have been affected. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE STEAM IRONING 1b. Set the iron temperature to the "COTTON - LINEN" steam position (fig. [. . . ] Carregue no boto de sada do vapor (3) no ferro de engomar at cessar o fluxo de vapor. Desligar o interruptor luminoso do ferro (4). PORTUGUS VA P O R E L L A P R O F 3 0 6 4d. Desenrosque a tampa de segurana (5) no sentido contrrio ao dos ponteiros do relgio. Espere alguns minutos para que a caldeira arrefea. [. . . ]


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