Manual de instrucciones TRENDNET TBW-103UB DATA SHEET

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Mode d'emploi TRENDNET TBW-103UB

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   TRENDNET TBW-103UB (1558 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso TRENDNET TBW-103UBDATA SHEET

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Conecte el adaptador USB inalámbrico TBW-103UB al puerto USB de su PC. 4 Español 9. Seleccione No, not this time (No, más tarde), y después haga clic en Next (Siguiente) 10. Seleccione Install the software automatically (Instalar el software automáticamente). Haga clic en Next (Siguiente). Nota: Los Adaptadores Inalámbricos de TRENDnet han sido examinados en su totalidad para su compatibilidad con los Sistemas Operativos de Windows y han sido aprobados para su funcionalidad. 5 Español 12. [. . . ] Haga clic en Next (Siguiente). Nota: Los Adaptadores Inalámbricos de TRENDnet han sido examinados en su totalidad para su compatibilidad con los Sistemas Operativos de Windows y han sido aprobados para su funcionalidad. 5 Español 12. Haga clic en Continue Anyway (Continuar de todas formas) o en Yes (Sí). 13. Tras finalizar la instalación del software Restart (Reinicie) su PC. 6 Español 3. Cómo usar el adaptador inalámbrico 1. Haga doble clic en el icono inalámbrico del PC en la bandeja del sistema . 2. Seleccione 802. 11g USB 2. 0 WLAN Dongle (Dongle WLAN USB 2. 0 802. 11g) en el menú desplegable del Network Adapter (Adaptador de red). Haga doble clic en el SSID al que desee conectarse dentro de la ventana de Available Network (Red disponible). 3. Compruebe el estatus de su conexión. 7 Español 4. Cómo usar el adaptador Bluetooth 1. Haga doble clic en el icono Bluetooth ubicado en la esquina derecha inferior. 2. Q7: I completed all the steps in the quick installation guide, but my wireless USB Adapter isn't connecting to my access point. A7: First, you should verify that the Network SSID matches your wireless router or access point's SSID. Second, you should check your TCP/IP properties to ensure that Obtain an IP address automatically is selected. Third, you can click on the Site Survey link to check and see if there are any available wireless networks listed. 9 Q8: Windows is unable to recognize my hardware. A8: Make sure your computer meets the minimum requirements as specified in Section 1 of this quick installation guide. Also, you must install the wireless configuration utility (as described in Section 3) before connecting the wireless USB Adapter. Q9: I cannot open the wireless configuration utility. A9: Go to your device manager (control panel system) to make sure the adapter is installed properly. If you see a networking device with a yellow question mark or exclamation point, you will need to reinstall the device and/or the drivers. If you still encounter problems, please refer to the User's Guide CD-ROM or contact technical support. 10 Certifications This equipment has been tested and found to comply with FCC and CE Rules. [. . . ] If you see a networking device with a yellow question mark or exclamation point, you will need to reinstall the device and/or the drivers. If you still encounter problems, please refer to the User's Guide CD-ROM or contact technical support. 10 Certifications This equipment has been tested and found to comply with FCC and CE Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference. (2) This device must accept any interference received. [. . . ]


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