Manual de instrucciones TRENDNET TK-400K

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Mode d'emploi TRENDNET TK-400K

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   TRENDNET TK-400K (295 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso TRENDNET TK-400K

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Conecte el teclado compartido, monitor y ratón al puerto consola del conmutador KVM. 3. Utilice los cables KVM proporcionados para conectar su PC al conmutador KVM. 2 Español 4. Encienda el primer PC y espere hasta que se inicie por completo. Presione el botón del panel frontal del conmutador KVM para seleccionar el segundo PC. [. . . ] Encienda el segundo PC y espere hasta que se inicie por completo. PC 2 La instalación ha sido completada 3 Español 3. Operación Nota: Para la conmutación del PC, puede usar los botones del panel frontal del conmutador KVM, una secuencia de comandos hot-key vía teclado o la Herramienta del Conmutador Cliente (sólo para Windows). Para más detalles sobre la Herramienta del Conmutador Cliente, por favor consulte el manual de la Herramienta del Conmutador Cliente en el CD-ROM. Botones del panel frontal Presione el botón del panel frontal correspondiente para seleccionar su PC. Secuencia del comando de ejecución inmediata Hot-key Después de pulsar la tecla ScrLk, dispone de 2 segundos para pulsar la tecla ScrLk otra vez. Si usted no pulsa una tecla en el plazo de 2 segundos, el conmutador saldrá del modo hotkey. Comando de ejecución inmediata Hot-key universal Comando Seleccionar PC Hot-keys ScrLk Descripción Seleccione el canal PC activo, canal PC 1 o canal PC 2. + ScrLk 4 Español Troubleshooting Q1: Where is the power supply?A1: The TK-400K does not require a power supply. It draws power from your computer's USB connection. As long as your KVM switch is connected to the USB port, it will receive the necessary power to function. Q2: I have the KVM switch connected properly, but my keyboard and mouse don't work. All products that are replaced will become the property of TRENDnet. Replacement products may be new or reconditioned. TRENDnet shall not be responsible for any software, firmware, information, or memory data of customer contained in, stored on, or integrated with any products returned to TRENDnet pursuant to any warranty. There are no user serviceable parts inside the product. Do not remove or attempt to service the product by any unauthorized service center. This warranty is voided if (i) the product has been modified or repaired by any unauthorized service center, (ii) the product was subject to accident, abuse, or improper use (iii) the product was subject to conditions more severe than those specified in the manual. Warranty service may be obtained by contacting TRENDnet office within the applicable warranty period for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number, accompanied by a copy of the dated proof of the purchase. Products returned to TRENDnet must be pre-authorized by TRENDnet with RMA number marked on the outside of the package, and sent prepaid, insured and packaged appropriately for safe shipment. 22 WARRANTIES EXCLUSIVE: IF THE TRENDnet PRODUCT DOES NOT OPERATE AS WARRANTED ABOVE, THE CUSTOMER'S SOLE REMEDY SHALL BE, AT TRENDnet'S OPTION, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EITHER IN FACT OR BY OPERATION OF LAW, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TRENDnet NEITHER ASSUMES NOR AUTHORIZES ANY OTHER PERSON TO ASSUME FOR IT ANY OTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE, INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE OR USE OF TRENDnet'S PRODUCTS. [. . . ] THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EITHER IN FACT OR BY OPERATION OF LAW, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TRENDnet NEITHER ASSUMES NOR AUTHORIZES ANY OTHER PERSON TO ASSUME FOR IT ANY OTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE, INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE OR USE OF TRENDnet'S PRODUCTS. TRENDnet SHALL NOT BE LIABLE UNDER THIS WARRANTY IF ITS TESTING AND EXAMINATION DISCLOSE THAT THE ALLEGED DEFECT IN THE PRODUCT DOES NOT EXIST OR WAS CAUSED BY CUSTOMER'S OR ANY THIRD PERSON'S MISUSE, NEGLECT, IMPROPER INSTALLATION OR TESTING, UNAUTHORIZED ATTEMPTS TO REPAIR OR MODIFY, OR ANY OTHER CAUSE BEYOND THE RANGE OF THE INTENDED USE, OR BY ACCIDENT, FIRE, LIGHTNING, OR OTHER HAZARD. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: TO THE FULL EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW TRENDnet ALSO EXCLUDES FOR ITSELF AND ITS SUPPLIERS ANY LIABILITY, WHETHER BASED IN CONTRACT OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR FOR LOSS OF REVENUE OR PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF INFORMATION OR DATE, OR OTHER FINANCIAL LOSS ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE, INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, USE, PERFORMANCE, FAILURE, OR INTERRUPTION OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND LIMITS ITS LIABILITY TO REPAIR, REPLACEMENT, OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID, AT TRENDnet'S OPTION. [. . . ]


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