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Lastmanuals permite descargar las instrucciones TRENDNET TPL-304E.

Mode d'emploi TRENDNET TPL-304E

Puedes descargar las siguientes instrucciones anexas a este producto:

   TRENDNET TPL-304E (911 ko)

Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso TRENDNET TPL-304EQUICK INSTALLATION GUIDE

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] Evite conectar el TPL-304E a una toma de corriente a la que estén conectados otros aparatos (por ejemplo, refrigeradores, lavadoras y secadoras). Para que los TPL-304E puedan verse mutuamente, cada unidad debe estar en el mismo interruptor de circuito. Se pueden conectar en red un máximo de 8 TPL-304E. 1. Conecte el TPL-304E a una toma de corriente disponible. Outlet 2. [. . . ] Incorporar la contraseña alejada del dígito de TPL-304E 16 y luego haga clic en OK. Ver el paso 6 para encontrar la contraseña alejada de TPL-304E. 10. Repita los pasos 8-10 para el segundo TPL-304E. Nota: El nombre de red del defecto es HomePlugAV. Si el nombre de red de tu red existente de la línea eléctrica no es HomePlugAV, debes cambiar esto en la utilidad. 12. Si quiere cambiar el Nombre de la Red Privada, introduzca el nombre deseado de la red privada y luego haga clic en Set All Devices (Ajustar todos los dispositivos). 13. Clic en OK. La configuración ahora está completa 6 Troubleshooting 1. I inserted the TPL-304E CD-ROM into my computer's CD-ROM Drive and the installation menu does not appear automatically. For Windows 7, if the installation menu does not appear automatically, click on the Windows icon on the bottom left hand corner of the screen, click the "Search programs and files" box, and type D:\Autorun. exe, where "D" in "D:\Autorun. exe" is the letter assigned to your CD-ROM Drive, and then press the ENTER key on your keyboard. For Windows Vista, if the installation menu does not appear automatically, click Start, click the Start Search box, and type D:\Autorun. exe where "D" in "D:\Autorun. exe" is the letter assigned to your CD-ROM Drive, and then press the ENTER key on your keyboard. For Windows XP/2000, if the installation menu does not appear automatically, click Start, click Run, and type D:\Autorun where "D" in "D:\Autorun. exe" is the letter assigned to your CD-ROM Drive, and then press the ENTER key on your keyboard. I have verified that my Powerline device is connected to my workstation, but I cannot detect other Powerline devices. Verify that you are using Cat 5e or Cat. Press the Sync button on your TPL-304E's for 3 seconds then let go. Open up the 200Mbps Powerline Utility and click scan. Verify the network name of your Powerline network. Then go to the Privacy tab in the 200Mbps Powerline Utility, type in the network name and click Set Local Device Only. Verify that the power outlet the TPL-304E is plugged into is on the same electrical power distribution and/or circuit breaker box. Take a pin or paperclip and press the reset button for 15 seconds. The reset button is located on the side of the TPL-304E. I can detect my Powerline devices on my Powerline network, but I cannot connect to the Internet. [. . . ] I can no longer see any of the remote TPL-304Es. Open up the TRENDnet Powerline Utility, click the Privacy tab, click Use Default (Public Network) and then click Set Local Device Only. Make sure to add each remote TPL-304E's password. See step 12 in Section 2 (How to Install). [. . . ]


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