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Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso YAMAHA FZ6 S2BROCHURE
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[. . . ] Yamaha FZ-Series because Monday is every bit as exciting as the weekend.
Delivering adrenaline, every day
Serious attitude backed up by serious power
The FZ1 was born for life on the street taut, muscular, ready for anything. Its R1-based engine packs a mighty mid-range punch and that cast aluminium frame cuts its way through the curves like a supersport bike, so whatever's going down on the street you're always in charge. [. . . ] You need a motorcycle with a design brief as varied and diverse as your lifestyle. That's the FZ6 Fazer S2 do your usual stuff Monday to Friday, then when you need to get away, no need to make plans, just strap on a kitbag and away you go, loving the high-revving horsepower, supersport quality handling and weather-beating upper fairing. The FZ6 Fazer S2 can do it all and do it with real supersport spirit, so every ride is a real buzz, any day of the week.
FZ6 F azer S2 / ABS
Whatever you want, whenever you want
FZ6 S2 / FZ6 F azer S2
That engine is pretty trick. It was developed in World Supersport racing which explains the high-rpm red line, four valves per cylinder, optimised fuel injection mapping and under-seat exhaust. But the FZ6 S2/FZ6 Fazer S2 hasn't just got the exhilarating top-end hit you crave, it's got great mid-range too and an EU3-spec catalyser. You will also love the forward riding position that gives you superb control, carving through corners, using the razor-sharp cast aluminium frame to the max. And both S2 models feature exclusive high-grade chassis mods: high-rigidity aluminium swingarm, monobloc front brake calipers, alumite-coated front forks and sporty upper cowling (FZ6 Fazer S2 only). Both models are available with ABS.
World Supersport engineering for the street
GT accessories
Maybe you won't want the GT kit when you buy your Fazer. Then one day you'll find your little weekend trips becoming big weekend trips, and then those long weekenders turn into unforgettable continental touring holidays that last a whole fortnight!That's when you may decide you need some grand turismo gear. We've got a range of GT accessories that will transform your FZ1 Fazer or FZ6 Fazer S2 into a full-on sport tourer. Choose from easy-on/easyoff side cases (FZ1 Fazer only), taller windscreens and full cowlings, all available separately and all created for added long-distance comfort and convenience.
Because just down the road isn't always enough
FZ1 Fazer and FZ6 Fazer S2 fitted with genuine Yamaha accessories
FZ Lifestyle
Brilliant design, genius engineering and renowned build quality are at the heart of every Yamaha FZ-Series motorcycle. And the same goes for our extensive range of official Yamaha accessories, riding apparel and lifestyle wear. If you want to fine tune your FZ for your individual riding needs, choose from fly screens, sub-cowlings, single-seat covers, roller protectors, various trick carbon-fibre bits and plenty more. [. . . ] Images shown in this brochure depict professional riders performing under controlled conditions. Specifications and appearance of Yamaha products as shown here are subject to change without notice and may vary according to requirements and conditions. [. . . ]
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