Manual de instrucciones YAMAHA XV535-1100 VIRAGO SERVICE REPAIR MAINTENANCE - 1981-2003

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Mode d'emploi YAMAHA XV535-1100 VIRAGO
Manual de resumen: instrucciones de uso YAMAHA XV535-1100 VIRAGOSERVICE REPAIR MAINTENANCE - 1981-2003

Las instrucciones detalladas para la utilización aparecen en la Guía del usuario.

[. . . ] CLYMER M395-10 XV535-1100 VIRAGO · 1981-2003 SERVICE · REPAIR · MAINTENANCE YAMAHA A PRIMEDIA Publication CLYMER Section One:XV700-1100 Virago · 1981-1999 Section Two: XV535 Virago · 1987-2003 YAMAHA The world's finest publisher of mechanical how-to manuals PRIMEDIA Business Directories & Books P. O. Box 12901, Overland Park, Kansas 66282-2901 Copyright ©2004 PRIMEDIA Business Magazines & Media Inc. FIRST EDITION First Printing February, 1986 SECOND EDITION Revised to include 1985 and 1986 models First Printing November, 1986 THIRD EDITION Revised to include 1987 models First Printing September, 1987 Second Printing April, 1988 Third Printing October, 1988 FOURTH EDITION Revised by Ed Scott to include 1988-1990 models First Printing First Printing February, 1991 Second Printing December, 1991 FIFTH EDITION Revised by Ed Scott to include 1992 models First Printing November, 1992 SIXTH EDITION Revised by Ed Scott to include 1987-1993 XV535 models and 1993 XV750 and XVI100 models First Printing October, 1993 Second Printing Second Printing June, 1994 SEVENTH EDITION Revised to include 1994-1995 models First Printing April, 1995 Second Printing March, 1996 EIGHTH EDITION First Printing June, 1997 Second Printing January, 1998 NINTH EDITION Revised to include 1998-1999 models First Printing June, 1999 Second Printing August, 2000 Third Printing September, 2001 Fourth Printing November, 2002 TENTH EDITION Revised to include 2000-2003 models First Printing May, 2004 Printed in U. S. A. CLYMER and colophon are registered trademarks of PRIMED1A Business Magazines & Media Inc. [. . . ] If it does happen, the caliper might have to be disassembled to reseat the piston. By using the wood, bleeding the brake is not necessary when installing the wheel. Remove the air valve cap (Figure 66) and depress the valve to release fork air pressure. 208 Repeat on opposite fork. On models equipped with an air line connecting both fork tubes, only one air valve is used. 1982-1983 XV920 shaft drive, XV1000 and XV 1100. Disconnect the air line at one fork tube air joint bracket (Figure 67). Loosen the pinch bolts (Figure 68) on the upper fork bridge bolts. NOTE Step 8 describes how to loosen the fork cap while the forks are still held in the triple clamps. 1981-1983 XV750 and 1981-1982 XV920 chain drive /The spring seat and spring are held inposition bya wire ring (Figure 69). To remove the wire ring, have an assistant depress the spring seat (A, Figure 70) with a suitable size drift while you pry the wire ring (B, Figure 70) out of its groove in the fork with a small screwdriver. When the wire ring is removed, slowly release tension from the spring seat and remove it together with the fork spring. XV700, 1983 XV920 (except Midnight Virago), XV1000 and XV1100 :Loosen the fork cap with a 17 mm Allen wrench. NOTE An alternative to using a 17 mm Allen wrench is to use a 17 mm bolt head; hold the bolt with locking pliers as shown in Figure 71. 1983 XV750 and XV920 Midnight Virago: Loosen the fork tube cap and remove it. Turn the adjuster cover (Figure 72) to the No. Loosen the fork tube cap pinch bolt (Figure 72). Remove the fork tube cap. CHAPTER EIGHT FRONT SUSPENSION AND STEERING CAUTION The fork tube cap is fitted with a damper adjustment rod (Figure 74). When handling the fork cap, make sure not to bend or damage the rod in any way as this will cause improper fork operation. 209 9. On 1984-on models, remove the lower fork bridge cover (Figure 75). XV700, XV750 and 1981-1982 XV920 chain drive--Remove the fork tube. It may be necessary to slightly rotate the tube while removing it. 1983 XV920 and XV920 Midnight Virago, XVlOOOandXVllOO: a. Remove the rubber spacer and air joint bracket. [. . . ] Inspection It is not necessary to remove the disc from the wheel to inspect it. Small marks on the disc are not important, but deep radial scratches, deep enough to snag a fingernail, reduce braking effectiveness and increase brake pad wear. If these grooves are found, the disc should be resurfaced or replaced. Measure the thickness around the disc at several locations with Vernier calipers or a micrometer (Figure 44). [. . . ]


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